
目前顯示的是 4月, 2020的文章
Resizing Disk Space in Ubuntu Server v16.04.2 at VMware ESXi v6 Virtual Environment 【 中文 】 【Problem】VM client's disk space is almost full, we must resize it. 【Solution】   VMware shutdown VM client Configuration >> Hard Disk 1 >> Disk Provisioning >> Provisioned Size >> enlarge start up VM client Use PuTTY/SSH connect to VM client list all disk partitions ls -al /dev/sda* create a new disk partition sudo fdisk /dev/sda p >> show all partitions n >> create a new partition p >> select a physical partition 3 >> create /dev/sda3 enter >> input start sector address enter >> input end sector address t >> transfer partition format into Linux LVM 8e >> select partition format as Linux LVM p  >> show all partition w >> execute partition process and then exit reboot system sudo reboot --r 0 create physical volume sudo pvcreate /dev/sda3 extend current Volum