Resizing Disk Space in Ubuntu Server v16.04.2 at VMware ESXi v6 Virtual Environment 【中文

【Problem】VM client's disk space is almost full, we must resize it.

    1. shutdown VM client
    2. Configuration >> Hard Disk 1 >> Disk Provisioning >> Provisioned Size >> enlarge
    3. start up VM client
Use PuTTY/SSH connect to VM client
  • list all disk partitions
    • ls -al /dev/sda*
  • create a new disk partition
    • sudo fdisk /dev/sda
    • p >> show all partitions
    • n >> create a new partition
    • p >> select a physical partition
    • 3 >> create /dev/sda3
    • enter >> input start sector address
    • enter >> input end sector address
    • t >> transfer partition format into Linux LVM
    • 8e >> select partition format as Linux LVM
    • p  >> show all partition
    • w >> execute partition process and then exit
  • reboot system

    • sudo reboot --r 0
    • create physical volume
      • sudo pvcreate /dev/sda3
    • extend current Volume Group to physical volume, show VG Name, find Volume Group and VG Name, VG Name = Volume Group Name
      • sudo vgdisplay
      • sudo vgextend  ApaMoodle-pv /dev/sda3
    • extend primary Logical Volume, find LV Name, such as /dev/ApaMoodle-pv/root. Then extend the Logical Volume size (GBs).
      • sudo lvdisplay
      • sudo lvextend -L +250G  /dev/ApaMoodle-pv/root
    • adjust file system to latest allocated space
      • sudo resize2fs /dev/ApaMoodle-pv/root
    • check new file system size
      • sudo df -hT
    • reboot system again
      • sudo reboot --r 0
    1. Fotis, "Resizing the disk space on Ubuntu Server VMs running on VMware ESXi 5," 20120909. Available:


